Unusual conversations part 6b

Within a few days there was yet another visit. Big bold man, jewellery, tattoos, teeth missing, loud voice, in a hurry. ARE YOU THE OWNER? He asked Damian, who was angle-grinding bolts off the front gate. He could hardly wait for Damian to turn off the grinder. Strange question. Odd situation. Bring it on.
It appeared that the man's car had a flat battery and that he needed a jump-start. He had already asked three neighbours and then came here.
'It's just up the road, on the t-intersection.' Damian helped out, got the car going and returned with a puzzled look on his face. The car was obviously not from around here, neither was the man. It was a weird spot for a battery to go flat and things just did not add up. Damian wrote down the car details, just in case.
What if a neatly dressed lady had asked the same question in the same scenario? Would we have wondered the same thing? Why does someone want to know about ownership in such a situation? Assumptions...


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