Unusual conversations part 6

We were putting new posts and hand-rails in at the front entrance when had a visit from a person trying to sell us something; you can tell from the folder and name tag and the 'Hi how are you'- kind of hopeful face. Quite rude but friendly we asked him what it was he was trying to flog this time. Pay-tv. Well. It soon became quite obvious to him that we wouldn't be signing up and the funny thing was that the guy became quite interested after Damian talked about 'TV stands for Time Vaporiser' and the song "Television: the drug of a nation" by a band called The Disposable Heroes of Hip-hoprasy. It turned out that our salesman was a young backpacker from Canada who found working for this company was quite a good way to see Australia whilst getting paid, better than hanging with other backpackers and getting drunk. "You get to meet real Australians this way," he said. "Let me just write down the name of this song." After a bit we wished him happy travels as he moved on to try one of our neighbours.  Doorbell rings, door opens, grumble grumble, no, slam. Ah well.


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