Webbed feet and fingers

No boats and people up to their hips in water carrying their personal items above their heads but this is the view from where I stay at the moment. That water is normally not there; the river is usually confined to under the trees. This is part of the catchment for the North Maroochy River in South East Queensland.
This morning the road crossing was up to a metre deep in water. An hour ago (about three hours later) it was way down, so we could made a dash to town. The catchment for this river is pretty hilly so I figured that when the levels are up, they don't stay that way for long. Flash flooding it's called. The areas that are lower lying and more flat have the most trouble. Or towns downstream from large rivers with a lot of catchment like Gympie and Maryborough. In the hills people have more trouble with land slides, where saturated bits of hill just give up and slide down.
We have had more than 200 mm of rain in the last 24 hrs and history shows that those amounts usually give these effects. So those events are not new. This is also cyclone season... could happen soon... This area has had an odd cyclone but long time ago, they usually occur more north, in the tropics.
Anyway, I'll keep an eye on the synoptic charts and look for low pressure systems coming this way.

Funny, I should do something else but I can't keep my eyes of that computer screen. It's a worry.


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