Queensland Floods: closer to home

This is the only road to and from the property I am on with the picture taken from the town- side of the road. We had to be on the other side. The creek leads to the North Maroochy River. We were in Cooroy yesterday for some shopping and the heavens opened again.  We left our car on this side of the creek and found a way on foot through paddocks on the right hand side where there's and old wooden bridge which was kind of ok.

With the milk, meat and bread in a backpack we made it across the ricketty bridge up to the house through long grass and mud in teaming rain.  Later that day the waters had receded enough for the time being for the tractor to pick up the car and we towed it across with a chain tied to the front axle. On the actual concrete pass the water level was 600 mm. The power of the water flow can't be under estimated and local radio strongly urges people not to go through flood waters, which is common sense, really.
The coming two days are predicted to give us more rain;  flood warnings have been issued. So perhaps we'll spend a few days flooded in... I'll see if I can take more pictures then.

I hear that the flies, midges (tiny biting insects) and mosquitoes in really flooded areas further north are taking on plague-proportions. People are running out of insect repellent and trying everything else under the sun, like Dettol mixed with baby-oil.

The residents of St. George, Qld. are bracing for their flood-peak this weekend. I know I've written about radio before but I must say (if you have electricity and a computer), pages and groups on Facebook are a fantastic way for residents to keep each other informed on the latest. I see people asking each other if a particular road is under, and the person living closest can give the answer. Someone gets on the latest info about electricity supply and passes that on... Great!

In and around the town of Gympie they also copped heavy rain yesterday and the Mary River is well and truly up.. The centre of town is in a valley, or dip, or hollow so to speak...


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