
Part of our back yard back in February.  Broccoli, kale (boerenkool), tomato (Black Russians), zucchini, lettuce. Siccamore on left, she-oaks on the right. I like the different colours green. And I love the mix of flowers, perennials, trees, herbs and vegetables.

The yurt, chook shed, compost heap and a home made willow screen. Passion fruit, Mulberry, Apples, Fig, Fejoa...I feel really proud of the progress we made.

Here's an idea what it looked like three years ago when we bought the place..All three pictures were made from roughly the same spot, which is the bottom corner of the back yard.

Whenever we feel a tad like we're behind and not doing much, we have a look at these pictures...


Anonymous said…
Very good work here. A showcase for sustainable living!

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